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Unlocking Student Talent

How to unlock student Talent?

The rise of the modern era is changing the world with an automated process. Now to understand students psychology and personality we have built an application to assess students based on Jung Typology.


The Jung typology is the result of the work of Carl Gustav Jung, an eminent Swiss psychiatrist who originated Jungian Psychology. This is one of the world's most established and well-respected models on personality and behavior.


In addition to this, we derive students nature, behavior and interest to get enriched career options across industries based on their skill level. This can help students to target their career from a very young age and to train themselves as a specialist. (Students are not Freshers anymore)


Our vision is to guide students based on their nature and make them interact with industry experts to attain a successful career. We also make students attend workshops on their specific career path and suggest courses to make them strong in their desired field.

The rise of the modern era is changing the world with an automated process. Now to understand students psychology and personality we have built an application to assess students based on Jung Typology.


The Jung typology is the result of the work of Carl Gustav Jung, an eminent Swiss psychiatrist who originated Jungian Psychology. This is one of the world's most established and well-respected models on personality and behavior.


In addition to this, we derive students nature, behavior and interest to get enriched career options across industries based on their skill level. This can help students to target their career from a very young age and to train themselves as a specialist. (Students are not Freshers anymore)


Our vision is to guide students based on their nature and make them interact with industry experts to attain a successful career. We also make students attend workshops on their specific career path and suggest courses to make them strong in their desired field.

Our Approach

Our Approach


To derive personality and behaviour 

Constructive Path

Build a career with industry experts and plan courses


Analyze report and interact with students


Provide students with industry knowledge 

Career Plan

Provide a defined career option  to target and specialize


Now students are tuned to succeed in career from schooling

Benefits in ThinkBuzz 


Start learning for career  and train based on your interest

Be Unique

Specialize and be unique than others to get placed

Get Experience

Start from Schooling and finish your college as a PRO

Dream Job

Apply for top-rated companies and get placed with Expirence 

Getting a dream job is not based on your school and college education, it's about your talent and passion. So we are here to strengthen your talent and help you move forward. Your grades are not measured anymore, talent is being acquired by the companies.  


We have seen people studied random stuff and work in a different environment which is not related to their education. It makes people weaker in mind and unsatisfied in life. To be successful, we have to be different.  


Being rich or poor doesn't matter we at ThinkBuzz wanted everyone to be unique and successful.

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